String Handling in C programming with common functions
The string can be initialized
char languageName[20]="cprogramming";
char languageName[ ] ="cprogramming";
The most common string function are:
- String is a combination of characters and it is enclosed in double quotes
- Character array is used to hold string.
- Char name_ of_string[ string _ length];
- Char is data type and string length is the name of characters in a string.
- A string variable can also be declared without specifying the number of characters.
- The variables that is used to store a string is called string variables.
- The last character of a string must be a Null character \0 i.e. Null character \0 is added the end of the string.
- Null character \0 is also included in the string length.
The string can be initialized
char languageName[20]="cprogramming";
char languageName[ ] ="cprogramming";
The most common string function are:
- fputs( )
- fgets( )
- strcpy( )
What is fputs() function? Explain with the help of an example.
- It is used to write a string of characters in to a file
- The function writes the string until the null character \0 is reached
- It does not add the null character of the file
- The file must be opened or in append mode to write this funcation
fputs() Example
The above string is written in test 1.txt file.
What is fgets() funcation? Explain with the help of an example.
fputs(string, file_pointer);
Fp = fopen(“test1.txt”,”w”);
fputs(“The string of your choice:”,fp);
The above string is written in test 1.txt file.
What is fgets() funcation? Explain with the help of an example.
- It is used to read a string of characters of a certain length from a file.
- The file must be opened or in append mode to write this function.
fgets(string or string variable, n, file _pointer)
N is the number of characters read from the file.
Actually,C++ programming consider most favorite platform for programmers to do innovation. This article completely covers how to use string in C++ programming. This all shows in this article with quoted example.