

Looking for a website for IT solutions?

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Many of the times we think there should be a website which have different types of solutions. Why?
For example we like a blog/website due to
  • Its content
  • Author writing tone
  • Design
  • To the point content no long stories
And we get addicted to this web or blog. Let a website contains solutions about frontend development only. Its author is a gem and explains very well for you and you get your solutions quickly. 
At the same time there is another website which has backend programming solutions but you get its explanation after digging out more and more. So you will like first author have backend solutions too?
Yes here is the website SolutionSpirit.com which does this it has vast covering solutions categories.

programming solutions all in on site

If you are an android developer mush check their android solutions category. Like scrolling recycler view making items shuffle incorrectly is to the point explained.

After reading their about us page it feels they are fully dedicated to provide the best solutions in super easy way and their content proves that too. 

Its simple clean and focus on the content no extra design to disturb your attention towards content. And currently they don't have ads on their site but a donate button. They should have fewer ads to keep there sources up and running hope they will. 

How about quality of solutions?
Well the solutions I found on their site is worth for the beginners and for the experience person as well. There is an example I my self working on android faced a problem about recycle view after too many hours of searching here and there I found a solution but not efficient in the above link the described the best way of the problem by overriding methods of adapter.

As a whole they did an excellent job by making live a site like solutionSpirit.com I wish them best of luck and keep solving the problems of others. 


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